Endorsements (in alphabetical order)
Former U.S. Senator Tim Wirth (D): "Ideas are important, and even more so in these times of polarized partisan politics. Aaron Harber is one of the few who listens to all."
Colorado State Republican Chairman Dick Wadhams (R): “The 2010 election will transcend the feel good rhetoric of 2008 and be a real debate on the size, cost and scope of government. Aaron Harber's ‘Colorado Election 2010’ series will inspire that great debate and give Colorado voters the substance and specifics they deserve from the candidates.”
Colorado State Party Democratic Chair Pat Waak (D): "Once again Aaron Harber is providing an extraordinary public service. ‘Colorado Election 2010’ will give Coloradans their best opportunity to meet the candidates in an open and candid format and see who best represents the concerns of the voters. The most exciting and stimulating public affairs efforts are consistently presented by Aaron. He serves the interests of Coloradans and helps us define the public service we expect from our candidates. I believe this historical television series will show Coloradans exactly what is at stake in the 2010 election."
U.S. Senate candidate and former Colorado Speaker of the House Andrew Romanoff (D): “Citizens deserve accessibility and accountability from their candidates and their government. That's why I opened the Statehouse to the people, by enforcing open-meeting laws, allowing public testimony on every bill, and televising our debates for the first time in Colorado history. Too many senators succumb to special interests or cloak their work in backroom deals. I'm glad Aaron is providing Coloradans with more sunshine, and I'm grateful for the chance to join him.”
Governor Bill Ritter (D): "Voters will decide in 2010 whether they want to keep moving Colorado forward on the road to a strong recovery, a new economy and a brighter future, or whether they want to return to the same old failed and outdated policies of the past. As always, Aaron will shine a bright light on the issues and the personalities that will define the upcoming election season."
Former Governor Bill Owens (R): “Aaron Harber continues to present a unique public service for Colorado by providing an impartial forum for candidates to talk about the issues and speak in a substantive manner to the people of our State. With the 2010 election being so crucial, in so many ways, having this forum is more important than ever. This series will level the playing field by giving all Coloradans the opportunity to see and hear the candidates in an unrehearsed manner. I encourage everyone to support and watch ‘Colorado Election 2010’.”
U.S. Senate candidate and former Lieutenant. Governor Jane Norton (R): “2010 will be critical to the future of our state and our nation. More than ever, Colorado voters are concerned about the state of our economy, the over-reach of the federal government, and the growth of the national debt. I applaud Aaron's thorough coverage of these and other important issues shaping this election season."
Gubernatorial candidate and former Congressman Scott McInnis (R): "2010 is a pivotal political year for Colorado, with voters having the opportunity to restore solid job creation and fiscal responsibility to our state. More than ever, Coloradans need Aaron Harber's consistently balanced, thorough, insightful, and interesting look at the issues and the personalities that are shaping this all-important election year."
Former Governor Richard Lamm (D): "Aaron Harber gives it to you straight… Objective, comprehensive, fair… Always worth watching."
Former U.S. Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R): "Political discourse has gotten more partisan and meaner over the last 20 years. People have gotten to the point where they are turned off by paid political advertising, whose sole purpose seems to be tearing their opponents down instead of promoting a vision for addressing problems that face us all. The opportunity for well thought-out, civil discourse addressing solutions to the issues of the day is of much more value to the American people than simple sound-bites. I have known Aaron Harber for over two decades and I am pleased he is providing a forum that will allow Coloradans an opportunity for thoughtful discussion of ideas to move our State and our Nation forward."
Former U.S. Senator Hank Brown (R): “The election series hosted by Aaron Harber provides understanding --- not just soundbites. At a time when control of the U.S. Senate and all federal legislation could be decided for the next two years by the outcome, and when Colorado’s political districting and control could be determined for the next decade, I hope every Colorado citizen joins us for an in-depth look at the candidates and issues.”
Scott Binder, Senior Vice President, COMCAST COLORADO: “Comcast is proud to deliver the best television viewing experience with the combination of the industry’s leading video on demand service -- we offer unparalleled choice and control. ‘Colorado Election 2010’ show is another example of Comcast’s commitment to provide compelling local programming that delights our customers.”
U.S. Senator Michael Bennet (D): "In 2010, Coloradans will have the opportunity to decide if what type of representation they want in Washington -- politics as usual or some simple Colorado common sense. Aaron’s ability to cut past the ‘political-speak’ and get straight answers from America’s leaders is exactly what voters are going to need to make the best decision in 2010.”
Former U.S. Senator Bill Armstrong (R): “’The Aaron Harber Show: Colorado Election 2010’ is a different kind of political TV … erudite, polite, interesting, and --- to anyone who’s concerned about the nation’s political future --- encouraging. It’s good fun and a very worthy contribution to our state’s and our nation’s political discourse.”
Former U.S. Senator Wayne Allard (R): "I'm pleased to join Aaron Harber for this series. Coloradans will undoubtedly appreciate the increasingly rare opportunity to hear directly from the candidates running for state and national offices in greater detail. It takes more than political advertising and mailings to truly understand the values of the candidates. This election will be about the change that was promised in the last election. Now, voters will have an opportunity to express their feelings at the polls in November as to whether it was the change they wanted. This will be an important election for our nation and Colorado. The stakes are high. The more information voters have, the more informed their vote will become in November. I look forward to playing a part in this process."
Gubernatorial candidate and Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper (D): “An open and informative dialogue about the issues facing our state is an essential part of American democracy. The kinds of unfiltered discussions on Aaron’s show and others like it will make it easier for voters to choose which candidates are best suited to keep moving Colorado forward.”